[VHFcontesting] WZ1V Sept contest

Ron Klimas WZ1V wz1v at ntplx.net
Mon Sep 13 11:20:00 EDT 2004

Missed most of the contest (was away on vacation in the Canadian 
maritimes), got on for a few hours Sunday night only to discover more 
lightning damage since August, like blown preamps on 1.2 and 3.4, and 2.3 
totally smoked. Mast mounted transverters work great until you run out of 
time to constantly be repairing them, HI. Anyway it was still fun and hope 
to place in the "bottom ten".

       Call:      WZ1V
       Category:  Single Operator
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      SSB
       State:     CT    Grid: FN31

       BAND     QSO    QSO PTS      GRIDS

        50       25       25          15
       144       43       43          18
       222       25       50          16
       432       23       46          15
       903       10       30           6
       1.2        4       12           2
       2.3        0        0           0
       3.4        1        4           1

      Totals    131      210          73  =   15,330

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