[VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint

David Olean k1whs at worldpath.net
Tue Sep 21 08:02:04 EDT 2004

Hi Ken et al,
    Great totals from FN12!! It looks like you had some tropo. (and a good
time!)  It was my time to get in my familiar position in the bottom of the
tropo barrel. The band was absolutely gone here in Maine. The W3CCX beacon
is always audible on 144 and 432 here...always except last night.  I could
hear stations in New Jersey, VE3,  and Connecticut working some good DX, but
it never was audible here. A weak frontal trough bisected the ME NH border
and effectively disconnected us Maniacs from the action.  K2SMN told me
about WA4WEN in FM86, and LOUD in NJ. I had the array aimed at the correct
heading, but never heard even a peep.  I did not call many CQs, but listened
a lot, and pounced on new stations. I quit at 9:30PM with 30 some contacts
and about 14 grids. Did I mention that the power line noise peaked at S4 to
5 due Southwest where all the action normally is. I need to stage a power
outage. Maybe I can run my old car into a strategic power pole or sub
station before the next sprint.

Dave K1WHS

----- Original Message -----
From: "kentke" <kentke at infoblvd.net>
To: <VHFcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:11 AM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint

> Hope you all had as much fun as I did in the 2M sprint.
> 83 q's  and 31 grids.
> Many thanks for all the cw contacts, had a blast running a small cw
> Hope to see some of you on saturday Sep 25, 04 at the Elmira hamfest.
> Ken
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