[VHFcontesting] Fixing the Captive Rover Problem [was: FixingtheGrid Circling Problem]

Jim Forsyth jim at forsyth.net
Sun Aug 7 11:23:16 EDT 2005

Already a change to the algorithm as described by Tree. Evidently it is not 
quite so simple after all.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Lass" <felasstic at yahoo.com>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Fixing the Captive Rover Problem [was: 
FixingtheGrid Circling Problem]

> Jim Forsyth <jim at forsyth.net> wrote:
> So 97% would be OK? 96? 95? 94?.....
> How about if only one of the three logs was submitted?
> The two logs can be imputed from the single submitted log and the other 
> local area logs.
> 73,  Fred  K2TR
> Jim
>> C'mon Jim - it is simple. You see three logs that have 98 percent
>> of the QSOs with each other.

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