[VHFcontesting] Pack Rovers meet ARRL contest objectives

Bob Naumann - W5OV W5OV at W5OV.com
Mon Aug 15 23:41:42 EDT 2005

I think in Dennis's case, his operation defines what rovers should be.  A
single rover, doing what they feel is best for his/their own score.
Venturing out into their chosen area, to seek to do what they can do best -

Consider the difference between this approach, and what we all know was
required to plan and execute the recent rover team / grid circling

-Bob W50V

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Frenaye [mailto:frenaye at direcway.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:37 PM
To: VHF Contesting e-Mail List
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Pack Rovers meet ARRL contest objectives

At 09:40 PM 8/15/2005, n2lbt at n2lbt.com wrote:
>Please, I would no sooner give out my rover strategy than would ND3F or 
>W3IY. This is a contest, and just like everyone else, my logs are 
>between me and the ARRL and apparently a select few that claim to have 
>impartial and private access to them. Maybe you can ask one of them.

Actually, maybe you've quite clearly pointed out one of the major
differences between VHF/UHF/rover contesting and HF contesting.

I've never been a serious contender in a VHF+ contest so I've never asked a
top scorer for a copy of his/her log - I figure I have to do some serious
VHF+ station building first before I worry about the details top scorers
have learned.

I am more competitive on HF and have asked direct competitors for copies of
their logs and I always get a positive response.    I've always done the
same for people that ask me for a copy.    On HF we all learn from each

Is it really true that log sharing just isn't done between VHF+ competitors?

                    -- Tom

e-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com    YCCC --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444 

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