[VHFcontesting] Pack Rovers meet ARRL contest objectives

Christophe Huygens xtof at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Aug 16 11:25:02 EDT 2005

On 16 Aug 2005, at 03:40, n2lbt at n2lbt.com wrote:

> Please, I would no sooner give out my rover strategy than would ND3F
> or W3IY. This is a contest, and just like everyone else, my logs are
> between me and the ARRL and apparently a select few that claim to
> have impartial and private access to them. Maybe you can ask one of
> them.

Ok, sorry, I did not know we were supposed to have a strategy... but  
if we had
one we sure would love to share it with everybody as I think we did  
in the past with
sites, tips, techniques for roving aso. The same goes for the  
logs.... give out
as much grids and bands as you can to everyone, you ll end up with a
great score automagically and have a lot of fun.


PS: be happy rovers exist, it doesn t in Europe, and it can be boring  
here during
the contest. Now ... let s get out and make some noise!

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