[VHFcontesting] What about me? I am captive.

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 18 20:42:00 EDT 2005

the proof was in QST last summer they showed it in an article. 
Though not your clubs call sign. Nor any mention of that club.
A club sending out individual stations in not nearly as bad as a group
circling each other.
that being said I would never elmer kids to only work a single station.
This forum is for serious issues too and I believe its serious.

> [Original Message]
> From: Bill Katt <alienmenace at gmail.com>
> To: Bob Naumann - W5OV <w5ov at w5ov.com>
> Cc: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Date: 8/18/2005 5:18:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] What about me? I am captive.
> Sir, and others of your unfortunate opinions,
>   It would be appreciated if you would stop badmouthing W2SZ.  It is
> perhaps worth mentioning, for those who may not know, that W2SZ is a
> callsign granted to a SMALL CLUB AT RPI.  That's Rensselaer
> Polytechnic Institute, for those who may not know.  It's a small
> school in Troy, NY where geeks from around the country gather to
> pursue degrees in engineering, science, and the like.
>   It is certainly worth mentioning that this list is freely available
> to any who would search it out.  Similarly, it is worth mentioning
> that many amateur radio operators are trained as HAMs as children,
> growing up with a father or mother who operates.  Accordingly, these
> young HAMs may contest, or simply read this list, unbeknownst to those
> regulars in attendance.
>   Further, some of these young operators may sometime attend RPI, and
> have the chance to participate in the amateur radio club W2SZ while
> there.  As a former officer of said club, I know that it is difficult
> lately to attract people to this particular hobby, as with the advent
> of instant messaging, cell phones, and the like, the possibility of
> being able to talk to persons miles if not countries away has lost
> some novelty and thus appeal.
>   This being said, it is hard enough to attract new person to this
> hobby without there being submitted for public perusal various
> incentives to avoid it.  It is similarly hard to suggest to
> independant amateur enthusiasts the benefits of joining a school club,
> which for many has provided a wonderful place to congregate, discuss
> ideas, etc., without those potential members having thrown in their
> face that being a member of W2SZ, or even a former member, somehow
> taints them and their opinions, making them 'less than HAMs' in a
> way...  this should not be allowed.  Many might consider this outright
> slander, as the concept presented thus far by the accusers seems to be
> 'guilty of anything we invent till proven innocent, and then still
> guilty anyways'.
>   You seem most interested in inventing bogey men, scaring children so
> they'll behave and 'rove properly' or some such nonsense.  That the
> primary arguments in favor of captivated roving are a desire to teach
> HAMs new techniques, expand band use, and encourage activity during
> contests while the primary arguments against captive rovers are that
> they dare to use non-standard (but still quite legal) portions of
> bands, possibly make their schedules in collaboration with others, do
> not work enough stations to be considered 'real rovers', and are
> affiliated with W2SZ (which seems to be a major component of at least
> some definitions) is truly frightening.
>   That many here would condemn a rover trying his or her best merely
> because of minimal contacts made, rather than congratulating him or
> her, is similarly terrifying.
>   That the comment 'Please, think when able, sir. Then speak.' by Dave
> Page was interpreted as a desire to restrict free speech (it being the
> only part of Page's comments that could be interpreted to mean 'keep
> your mouth shut') is sort of funny, really.
>   However, that ANY of this so called evil and taint might be
> associated with a school club whos goal is to share amateur radio with
> students on campus, and to have a good time doing it, is truly
> sinister.
>   If those on this list really must continue believing in the 'captive
> rover' myth, and accusing various rovers, stations and operators of
> participating, please come forward with proof.  At LEAST have
> something better than the 'blurry photograph of bigfoot' type of
> evidence that seems to exist so far.  But regardless of what may be
> said, PLEASE stop insulting those associated with W2SZ merely because
> they're associated with W2SZ.
>   Propagation is part of radio, I realise this.  However, I somehow
> doubt that the forefathers of the electron and other waveforms thought
> that the propagation of rumors would become so common.  But leave the
> guilt by association out of it.  It's not fair to those who might have
> a good time with a good radio club to tell them that many HAMs
> countrywide will suddenly think of them as dirt if they let themselves
> join up.  And FAIRNESS is what this whole captive-rover spiel is
> about, isn't it?
> On 8/18/05, Bob Naumann - W5OV <w5ov at w5ov.com> wrote:
> > KD3NC said:
> > >My position is my own and not at all representative of W2SZ's
> > operators or crew. <
> > 
> > Dave,
> > 
> > My noting of your association with W2SZ was not to imply that you
> > represented them, but rather to show that you are biased in this
> > discussion.
> > 
> > If you choose to continue to deny the fact that all of those captive
> > rovers are part of the W2SZ team, and therefore should be subject to
> > the rules as I described earlier, please feel free to continue living
> > in denial.
> > 
> > I am going to continue to speak out, and express my very differing
> > opinion.
> > 
> > You also seem to think that this somehow is driven by my needing to
> > improve my score, or will give me some competitive advantage, wrong
> > again.
> > 
> > Did you think I was empowered to change the rules?  Thanks, but that is
> > done by people at or directed by the people at the ARRL HQ.
> > 
> > Strange that you mention Stalin, since you want to prevent me from
> > speaking freely.
> > 
> > 73,
> > Bob W5OV
> > 
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