[VHFcontesting] Poll...etc

Rusty Boling ae4bk at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 25 10:46:13 EDT 2005

Maybe I missed this one and someone has probably already suggested these but.....
Why not make it where Rovers can only work fixed stations...Yes, I hate to hurt the traditional rover but the "pack rover" has ignored the "intent" of the contest and this would eliminate that problem.
Captive rover situation...A bit more complicated....I don't have the answer..Maybe no more than 30% of your total contacts from the same station.  It's not the captive rover's log that concerns most though, it's the station that they are exclusively working because that captive rover cares less about his log as he is trying to make that one station that he is working look good.  Of course if the captive rover does not submit a log then the station that sent them out would need their log under scrutiny.  That would be very difficult to prove/disprove..
Grid circling is not a big deal if you don't have another station(s) to grid circle with you as in pack rovering or if there is no one captive roving for a fixed station.  At least grid circling kinda gains some real-world worth as you get farther and farther from your intended fixed station target.
I know there is no single solution.  From the poll that Ev posted, it atleast acknowleged that there is at a minimum a difference of opinion as to what should and should not be done regardless of whether you are, were, or have never used the questionable tactics.....
Rusty  NE4ME

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