[VHFcontesting] Rule Change Discussion

Dan K9ZF n9rla at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 17:30:30 EDT 2005

Michael J. Clarson wrote:

> Bob: A suggested scoring change (made several weeks ago and did not
>generate much in the way of comments, pro or con, which makes me think the
>real activity for most is complaining, and not the betterment of the
>contests) would be to have rover to rover QSO's count ZERO points. You'd get
>multipliers, but no points. That would sure reduce the circling scores and
>encourage the working of stations outside the group. --Mike, WV2ZOW
There is no doubt in my mind this would kill the Rover category, and 
likely VHF contesting with it.


K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
Check out the Rover Resource Page at: <http://www.qsl.net/n9rla>
List Administrator for: InHam+grid-loc+ham-books

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