[VHFcontesting] Rule Change Discussion

Dave Page vhf at dave-page.com
Fri Aug 26 18:58:50 EDT 2005


> > > The circling rovers, would now be in 
> > > a different category (Rover Team)
> > 
> > Again, same problem. The circlers are 
> > all going to file independent, with
> > nothing to stop them.
> I'd bet that if there was a mega/team rover category that the N6
> rovers would enter it.  I don't think they're out to destroy other WTX
> rovers, I think they want to have fun in their own way.  A separate
> category would allow them to have their fun and not skew the scores
> for the other rovers in that section.
> If the honour system doesn't work, then ham contests are broken far
> beyond any rules changes to be able to fix.

	Sure. But the idea of not awarding QSO points in proportion to frequency 
(and thus difficulty) is inequitable. Why would anyone go for that?

> 5.Y.  Rover Team scoring: QSOS made between members of the same team
> count as 1 point regardless of frequency used. 

	Regards - Dave KD3NC

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