[VHFcontesting] Rule Change Discussion

Buck Calabro kc2hiz at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 09:41:02 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

> > > 5.Y.  Rover Team scoring: QSOS made 
> > > between members of the same team
> > > count as 1 point regardless of frequency used.

> > I'd bet that if there was a mega/team 
> > rover category that the N6 rovers 
> > would enter it.  
> >
> > If the honour system doesn't work, 
> > then ham contests are broken far
> > beyond any rules changes to be able to fix.
> Sure. But the idea of not awarding QSO 
> points in proportion to frequency
> (and thus difficulty) is inequitable. 
> Why would anyone go for that?

I wasn't very clear, sorry.  I'd rather leave the existing scoring and
rules in place as they are today and add a test/mega/unlimited rover
category for the biggest stations/teams to compete against each other.
 I believe that each of them would have readily entered the mega
category if one existed.  And that's all the change required to end
the skewing of the rover scores in my opinion.

73 de Buck KC2HIZ/r

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