[VHFcontesting] Drumming up FM activity for contests

Dan n9rla at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 20 12:19:53 EST 2005

I generally make a dozen or so FM contacts each contest.  I've found 
that calling CQ on FM doesn't work very well.  However, scanning popular 
simplex frequencies and finding activity I can usually net a few Q's by 
explaining what I'm doing and asking for a quick contact.  Most folks 
are pretty curious about Roving, and are happy to give me a point.  A 
few have even followed me from grid to grid.

But just parking on an FM frequency and calling CQ would likely *iss off 
more folks than it would attract.

I like the idea of talking it up at club meetings.  We have had a local 
"surge" in activity in my local area.  I'm currently trying to organize 
a breakfast get together in hopes of putting together a local club. 
Wish me luck.

K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
Check out the Rover Resource Page at:  http://www.qsl.net/n9rla
List Administrator for:  InHam+grid-loc+ham-books

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