[VHFcontesting] Antennas up

WB4UNA@aol.com WB4UNA at aol.com
Mon Nov 21 13:03:10 EST 2005

well, I have my antennas on the mast for the following  bands:
432 K1FO @ 85'   25  elements
222 KLM @ 80'   24 elements 31'  boom
144 Cuscraft  @ 75'    17 elements  31' boom
50   Cuscraft @  70     6 elements  34' boom
as soon as the weather lets up I will crank them up in  the air and hope to 
hear someone on. If conditions let it be that  is..
WB4UNA since 1970 
Carlus M. Randy Chavis
247 Goff  Court
West Columbia
SC 29172


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