[VHFcontesting] [Mw] W3IY SK

w3sz@comcast.net w3sz at comcast.net
Tue Sep 20 12:46:42 EDT 2005

Bob's idea to dedicate the Conference to Bill is superb.

Bill was clearly one of those rare men who added that unique spark to everything he did in every field in which he played.  He was one of those whose effect on those he touched was to "Make Their Day!" just by being there and being himself.

Although his family likely well knows this about Bill, I wonder if it would't mean a lot to them if we also put together a booklet of our rememberances of Bill and how he did this for each of us, and sent it to the family.

The emails from this list over the past day for example could be put together.

Perhaps even better a booklet could be circulated at the [upcoming PackRats] conference for everyone to write their memories in.  It could be placed on a table, passed around during the sessions, circulated at dinner, whatever to acquire the stories.

Maybe a similar thing could be done at MUD.

And then it could be sent to Bill's family. 

Roger Rehr

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