[VHFcontesting] N2NK LCR for June 2006 VHF Contest

Warren Walsh n2nk at optonline.net
Fri Dec 22 15:04:08 EST 2006

Call: N2NK
ARRL Section: NNJ

*** Summary ***

      737 raw QSO before duplicate removal and checking reductions
      692 net QSO after duplicate removal and checking reductions
      944 net QSO points after checking
      254 net multipliers after checking
   239776 final score

       19 (2.6%) duplicates
        4 (0.5%) calls copied incorrectly
        3 (0.4%) exchanges copied incorrectly
        9 (1.2%) not in log
       18 (2.4%) calls unique to this log only

*** Not In Log ('N') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'N' are judged to be 'Not In Log'. This means
we have the other station's log, and your call, or a call close to it, does
not appear in that log on this band. This QSO is removed from the log and an
extra one qso penalty is assessed.

N  144 PH 2006-06-11 1353 N2NK         FN21 N3YRR        FM19
N   50 PH 2006-06-11 2035 N2NK         FN21 W3RT         FN20
N  144 PH 2006-06-11 2036 N2NK         FN21 W3RT         FN20
N  222 PH 2006-06-11 2036 N2NK         FN21 W3RT         FN20
N  144 PH 2006-06-12 0031 N2NK         FN21 K1MUJ        FN31
N   50 PH 2006-06-12 0059 N2NK         FN21 KE3HT        FN22
N  222 PH 2006-06-12 0126 N2NK         FN21 K2TER        FN13
N  432 PH 2006-06-12 0138 N2NK         FN21 W3RT         FN20
N  222 PH 2006-06-12 0238 N2NK         FN21 KW1AM        FN41

*** Incorrectly Copied Callsign ('B') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'B' are judged to be 'Bad', which means the
callsign of the other station was copied incorrectly. This means we have no
log which matches the callsign in your log, but we do have a log with a
callsign close to the claimed callsign which contains a matching QSO with
you. This QSO is removed from your log and an extra one QSO penalty is
assessed. For reference, the matching QSO from the other station is printed
below this line with the first letter 'G'.

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-10 2240 N2NK         FN21 N9OBB        EN51
  HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2239 N90BB        EN51 N2NK         FN21

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-11 0010 N2NK         FN21 N8KON        EN80
  HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-11 0010 N8KOL        EN80 N2NK         FN21

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-11 0032 N2NK         FN21 KC3HQF       FN21
  HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-11 0032 KC2HQF       FN21 N2NK         FN21

YOUR LOG B  144 PH 2006-06-11 2025 N2NK         FN21 WA3PZT       FM29
  HIS LOG G  144 PH 2006-06-11 2024 WA3BZT       FM29 N2NK         FN21

*** Incorrect Exchange Information ('X') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'X' are judged to have incorrectly copied
exchange information. This means we have the other station's log, and the
exchange sent by the other station does not match the exchange recorded in
your log. This QSO is removed from your log with no additional penalty.
For reference, the matching QSO from the other station is printed below this
line with the first letter 'G'.

YOUR LOG X  144 PH 2006-06-10 1828 N2NK         FN21 N2SE         FN20
  HIS LOG G  144 PH 2006-06-10 1827 N2SE         FN21 N2NK         FN20

YOUR LOG X   50 PH 2006-06-10 2107 N2NK         FN21 WB7BST       EN67
  HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2107 WB7BST       CN87 N2NK         FN21

YOUR LOG X   50 PH 2006-06-10 2109 N2NK         FN21 WA7TZY       EN87
  HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2108 WA7TZY       CN87 N2NK         FN21

Looks like we need to improve our logging skills. ;)

However, I don't understand how we could work another station on FOUR 
bands (3 of them right in a row) and NOT be in his log!

I also don't understand why we were penalized for another stations 
TYPO! I'm sure N9OBB is correct, but he entered N90BB into HIS log!

Oh well, at least this is a start to seeing where the problems are.

73, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Warren - K2BM
Trustee - N2NK

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