[VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R June VHF QSO Party Plan

Steve Kavanagh sjkavanagh1 at yahoo.ca
Fri Jun 9 13:15:54 EDT 2006

The plan is finally coming together, I think.  There
isn't much slack built in to the following, so start
times in each grid may be a bit dubious.  There are
some skeds and mobile operation during the times not
mentioned.  Times are in UTC.


1930-2000 FN13ax or FN13bx
2045-2145 FN04xa
2230-0030 FN14ba 


1230-1530 FN03bi 
1920-2115 EN92op 
2230-2400 EN92/93/FN02/03 corner 
0100-0300 EN93sg 

Depending on conditions and activity I may elect to
skip the EN92/93/FN02/03 grid corner on Sunday, in
which case I would stay at EN92op an hour longer and
start at EN93sg an hour earlier.

I'll be active on 50 MHz to 10 GHz (with the exception
of 5760), plus 24 GHz wideband FM and laser(I think). 
Generally QRP, but don't let that worry you...most of
the sites are quite good, given that we have no
mountains around these parts.

Steve VE3SMA

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