[VHFcontesting] stacking 2m & 6m & rotator questions

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 19 09:14:52 EDT 2006

I will offer you something to consider that few
purists would...

The antenna system that you propose is a "blue collar"
or "get on the air" system.  It would be
counterproductive (in my opinion) for you to "stack
according to spec", because that spec is designed to
wring out every fraction of a dB in advantage.

Instead, you seem to have a situation where you are
limited as to rotor and "angular windload" because of
the quality of mast and rotor that you must use.

Cushcraft makes a comgination 6 & 2 meter antenna
where the elements share the same mast (explain that
against the "need" to stack antennas a certain
distance). :)

If you are going to use two different (but relatively
small) antennas, stack 'em a foot or two (whatever
makes you comfy). and use the radio shack rotor and a
1.5" steel mast.  Probably no thrust bearing needed.

Again...a slightly different perspective from someone
who has done exactly this with no problem, yet much
operational success.

Ev, W2EV

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