[VHFcontesting] Banning The Use Of 144.200 MHz During Contests

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Wed Jun 21 08:33:12 EDT 2006

On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 02:24:47AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> Out of my own curiosity, why did the team choose this particular topic 
> as the most important one and to work on it first? 

The Contest Advisory Committee (CAC), the ARRL's HF analogue to the VUAC,
does not get to assign itself any tasks - everything it does is at the 
specific request of the Membership Services Committee (MSC), whose members
are all elected Division Directors, most of whom are not contesters.  I 
assume the VUAC will work the same way, and that this topic came from the 
MSC rather than from the VUAC members themselves.

> The team hasn't really ever "introduced" themselves, as you just did, so 
> you're the only visible "target" for questions, I guess.  ;-)

The ARRLWeb is actually really bad about containing information regarding
committee memberships.  The only thing I could find is MSC meeting notes
from January that say the MSC was then still working on finding VUAC members.
Presumably the next MSC meeting notes might list who those members are,
but they might not, and the next meeting is not until July anyway.

There really should be a VUAC page similar to this one:

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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