[VHFcontesting] poll

KA6AMD ka6amd at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 4 20:05:48 EST 2006

Ron Hooper wrote:
> Frank
> I agree with you on the fact that we can not expect ARRL to do much if
> anything to address certain contest rule changes mentioned in the survey. We
> have been through many of the survey issues before over the years and they
> keep coming back up.
> My personal feeling is that the ARRL would like to discontinue supporting
> contest, eliminating the need to compile scores and publish results. The
> contester represents a very small percentage of the league membership so I
> understand the business economics to cut operating cost.
While the ARRL might like to discontinue contesting, I think that their 
advertisers wouldn't let them.  Who is it that buys the  $20k 
tranceivers, the 120 ft towers, and the 2kW amps?  Usually it is 
contesters that are the most rabid (I know I am) about the equipment 
they use.  It might be harder to make the case for VHF+ contesting vs. 
HF contesting, but I think that the ARRL will keep on running contests. 
> Can we do it ourselves better? I think the answer to that question is yes.
> Perhaps if we negotiated with the ARRL and took on the responsibility of
> doing the work, they would be agreeable to out source the management and
> simply print the articles. You got to remember there are many contest, not
> just VHF. Perhaps a pilot program using a VHF contest is a way to find out
> if it will work.
> 73 Ron
> W4WA
Maybe the ARRL will want to outsource the running of the contests and be 
content to print results.  Because one of the reasons that people 
contest is to see the results in QST.  For reasons of editorial control, 
I think that the ARRL won't outsource the running of the contests.  The 
question for me is: Can there be other successful contests for VHF+ 
outside of the ARRL sponsored contests?


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