[VHFcontesting] KB0HH EM06 UHF Contest Prelimanry Score

Lee Kemp n5tiflk at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 5 22:51:10 EDT 2007

Hay Tad 
   Thanks for being there you guys were my best dx for the contest I was only running 432 but it was fun as they all are.  Bands or band for me were not great and did not hear not one rover from my location here in EM12hl.  Sure could use more in this state for this contest. We have a few for the June contest and the rest of the contests we may have only one or two at most its a big state for so few.  I did not work anything to my west or southwest even though I tried more then a few times calling out that way.  Worked only 7 grids and 20 stations it could have been better.  See everyone in September.   

"Tad C. Beverage KC5DPT at ARRL.NET" <KC5DPT at ARRL.NET> wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
Everyone at the KB0HH Multi-Op Contest station EM06 in Northwest Oklahoma had a great time during the contest.  The contest started off good and had a few slow periods but we stayed at it until the end.  We improved significantly from last years score and this was our first multi-op effort for the ARRL August UHF Contest.  It was hot  around 101 degree F here in Northwest Oklahoma (North of Great Salt Plains Lake near Byron, OK and the Kansas state line).  The food was great as KB0HH is a great cook. The fishing in the nearby pond was good as always.  I would like to thank everyone who contacted us during the contest.  Thanks to all the rovers out there, your hard work is appreciated.  I would like to thank W0EEA in DM 79 for all the contacts and helping point stations our way.  See you all in the next contest.
Operators-  KB0HH, KA0KCI, and KC5DPT
Grid - EM06  Oklahoma Section
Preliminary Un-offical Score
Total: 22,479 points
88 qso's  X  59 Multipliers
Band Totals
222   Mhz       15 qso's  X  13 grids
432   Mhz       42 qso's  X  23  grids
902   Mhz         7 qso's  X    6 grids
1296 Mhz        20 qso's X  13 grids
2304 Mhz        4 qso's   X    4 gridsTad C. Beverage KC5DPT
P.O. BOX 1756 
Stillwater, OK 74076
Grid: EM16la_______________________________________________
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