[VHFcontesting] APRS and contesting

Bill Burgess ve3cru at rac.ca
Fri Aug 10 01:07:26 EDT 2007

I have read this issue with interest.  My perspective on this is that APRS can be an aid or crutch to the weak rover station, while not needed by a strong rover station.  Those with halos for example cannot selectively point with gain to find the fixed station, so want all the help in having the fixed station find them.  Those using APRS should have a designation that shows they benefitted from it, if it is to be used.   Personally, I choose not to use an aid such as APRS.  I am content with "the old way" as a 64 year old ham licensed only 4 years.  This choice brings a commitment to run a better rover station.

To illustrate a point, I was 1st Place World Rover in the 2006 CQ WW VHF.  No grid circling, no APRS, in fact not 1 VE3 in my log with over 400 qso's before CQ cut it to 399.  And on 6 meters only.   They found me, and what an experience with a run so strong I logged 4 a minute on paper log.  Yes, I ran a ProII into a 4 elmt beam 7' above my head with a measured gain of 8.8 dBd in 4 grids and no working indicator on the Ham IV spinning it.  Score was 79,002.

I believe also that the strongest base stations are too busy working the contest to be spending time on their computers tracking rovers, except perhaps in the slow times when poor conditions might suppress the APRS signals anyways, so APRS could bring a sense of false confidence to the user.

My two cents anyways, for what it's worth.

Drum up activity, we need it.

Bill   VE3CRU/R

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