[VHFcontesting] All Icom SVC manuals, free pdf

Joshua M. Arritt jarritt at vt.edu
Thu Aug 16 18:13:33 EDT 2007

kr7o at vhfdx.com wrote:
>  The Italian site does not 
> have the 37a manual, but lists one for the 47a, but I get an error message 
> in Italian when I try to download that or other manuals from that site 
> (will try later).  

The links on this page:


 ...point to strange, non-standard, I'd imagine non W3C-compliant URLs --


...for example.

When you strip the stuff between "ftp://" and the IP address, they seem 
to work.

Also bummed that the IC-251A, nor the dreaded IC-245 are listed here.  I 
did finally, however, find the user manual for the 245.  One of these 
days, that's going to make one butt-ugly IF radio!

      - Josh / KF4YLM

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