[VHFcontesting] VHF Rules - Some Clarification From HQ

wbr/wf4r wbr at verizon.net
Sat Dec 22 14:21:35 EST 2007

                      There is an article on http://mods.dk  concerning
improving the SSB modulation for the TM-255.  You may want to check it out.
"Improving SSB modulation of Kenwood TM-255 and TM-455"

73, Bill, WF4R

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kutzko, Sean, KX9X" <kx9x at arrl.org>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 12:53 PM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] VHF Rules - Some Clarification From HQ

> Hello, fellow VHF Contesters-
> I'd like to thank Jon W0ZQ for stepping in and answering some of the
> questions posed recently. I thought it was time for me to step in and
> reiterate and/or clarify a couple points:
> 1) As Jon and others have pointed out, contest rules have been
> subdivided for reasons primarily based on available space in print
> publications. As this is no longer a concern for the web site, I am very
> much interested in printing all rules for each individual contest, even
> if some of those rules overlap and apply to several contests. This will
> take some time, but this will be implemented along with other general
> changes to the look and feel of the Contest area of arrl.org.
> 2) Here is some clarification on the new Rover rules:
> a) There are now THREE classes of rovers: Rover, Limited Rover,
> and Unlimited Rover.
>   b) Unlimited Rover scores WILL NOT COUNT towards Club
> Competition. The VUAC and the Programs and Services Committee agreed on
> this provision to the Unlimited Rover category.
>       c) The new Rover rules WILL be in place for the 2008 January VHF
> contest. We realize this does not give software developers much time to
> generate new categories for their logging programs. Since there is no
> difference to how rovers are scored, use whatever method of logging you
> prefer, but be sure to indicate what Rover category you want to enter.
> If you use electronic logging, simply add your specific Rover category
> to your "Soapbox" lines in your Cabrillo file, and we will catch it. If
> you use paper logs, simply list your rover category on the official
> summary sheet. We hope that the software developers will be able to
> provide updated logging tools that reflect the new categories by the
> 2008 June VHF contest.
> 3) It was stated in an earlier thread that some VHF'ers are afraid of
> some stations operating more than four bands, then picking the four most
> productive bands and entering in the Limited Multioperator or Limited
> Rover category. While this is acceptable practice, it is NOT acceptable
> for the station to eliminate the QSOs from their logs for the bands they
> choose not to make part of their official entry; that creates the
> possibility of false "Not In Log" QSOs, and could impose an unfair
> penalty for stations legitimately worked in such a scenario.
> ALL logs MUST include ALL QSOs made during the contest period. You must
> then tell us what bands you are submitting for your official entry.
> Failure to do this may result in your log being reviewed by the Awards
> Committee for possible disciplinary action, which could lead to
> disqualification.
> I hope this clears up some of the confusion that has been bandied about
> on the reflector recently. While I am still learning the bounds of my
> authority as Contest Manager, it is important to understand that I am
> NOT the sole authority on rules changes. My role is primarily that of
> "referee," and there are certain situations that I do not get a vote in;
> this is a built-in set of check and balances that I am quite comfortable
> with. I have a voice in the interpretation of rules; I do not have the
> authority to make new rules by myself, such as new entry categories in
> any given contest.
> Here's hoping I get to work some of you in the January contest. I am
> always just a phone call or email away...if you have a question, comment
> or constructive criticism, I am at your service.
> 73,
> Sean Kutzko, KX9X
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager
> 225 Main St.
> Newington, CT 06111
> (860) 594-0232
> skutzko at arrl.org
> *************
> Jon W0ZQ wrote:
> "Towards Joe's question as to where to find contest rules, they can be
> found
> on the ARRL's website at http://www.arrl.org/ .   Once there, toward the
> top left click on "Operating Activities", "Contests", "Rules".     Once
> you
> are to this page, note at the top the links for "General Rules" and "VHF
> Rules".   For all ARRL contests, including HF as well as VHF, there are
> three levels of rules :  General Rules, VHF Rules, and Contest Specific
> Rules (ex: January VHF).   One advantage of this rule structure is that
> rules that are common throughout all the contests do not have to be
> repeated over and over again in the contest specific rules.   One
> disadvantage of this structure is that someone may read only the contest
> specific rules and think that's all there is.    Anyway, that is where
> you
> will find them .... they are not hidden nor do you need a secret
> handshake to access them.
> As has been pointed out, from time to time there is some spirited (ie,
> good) discussion about the interpretation of these rules .... our ARRL
> Contest Manager, Sean, KX9X, gets the final word.   My experience is
> that
> our past and present Contest Managers have been very accessible and
> quick
> to respond to any questions that are asked of them.   Sean's email is
> kx9x at arrl.org and sometimes a simple email to him is better than 100
> emails
> on a reflector.   They are there to help us so we should use them.
> Onto topic # 2.   To help address the unlimited rover scoring question,
> as
> the Dakota VUAC rep., I can say that based upon internal discussion
> within your VUAC and with our ARRL Liaison, that this was a translation
> error that
> will be corrected.   Unlimited rover scores do not count in club
> scoring.
> I defer to KX9X, but this is my understanding .... the rules on the ARRL
> website will get updated to reflect this.
> Topic # 3.   I use a TM-255a as an IF rig on 5.7 and 10 GHz.   One of
> the
> problems that I am having is that it has low output power on SSB.   For
> example, using CW or FM modes, if I set its 2m output power to 2 watts,
> when I whistle into the mic on SSB I also get 2 watts, but when I speak
> my SSB voice peaks are way way down, like about 300mW or so.  Even
> shouting into the mic does not bring the power level up, but a pure tone
> whistle
> does.   I did change the microphone - same results.   I also played
> around
> with the software controls for the mic drive without any results.   Its
> like the audio circuit AGC is to aggressive.   Has anyone else seen this
> on
> their TM-255 and/or have any suggestions ?   When I use it on 5.7 and 10
> GHz, the result is that I get full output power on CW/FM, but reports of
> weak signals on SSB.
> 73, Jon
> W0ZQ"
> *******
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