[VHFcontesting] FS: Crossboom for 2 meter yagis

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 4 17:37:58 EST 2007

I have a 7 foot long crossboom available for
horizontally stacking 2 two meter yagis.  Came in a 2
stacked yagis package and I am only using one of the
yagis.  It has the boom to mast plate, and breaks down
into 3 pieces.  It could also be used as a boom for a
homebrew HF or 6m yagi.  Local delivery/pickup in SW
Oklahoma or North Texas would be great, but a deal can
be made for shipping.  I am taking offers, as I am not
sure what this is worth.

73s John W5TD

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