[VHFcontesting] Microwave Update 2007-save the date

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 5 15:14:27 EST 2007

                                  ***SAVE THE DATES***
Microwave Update 2007 is scheduled for Thurs October 18, Friday Oct 19, and 
Sat Oct 20th, 2007

The Mt Airy VHF Radio Club, aka "Pack Rats" will be planning and hosting 
this conference, along with other area clubs and sponsors. The conference 
will be held in King of Prussia, PA, between Philadelphia and historic 
Valley Forge. We have booked facilities at a hotel, which is currently a 
Hilton, but will be undergoing a name change this month and will likely 
become a Wyndham. As soon as the hotel changeover is complete, you will be 
able to register for the conference and also be able to book rooms there at 
the special conference rate. Details will be listed at the 
www.microwaveupdate.org  web site.

Conference chairmen are Phil Theis-K3TUF  and Dave Fleming-KB3HCL
Papers and speakers are being sought by program chairs: Paul Drexler-W2PED 
pdrexler at hotmail.com and Marc Franco-N2UO   lu6dw at yahoo.com
Thursday 10/18 is time for a surplus tour and area sight-seeing
Hospitality room will be available Thurs-Fri-and Sat eves
Vendors will be on site. Fri eve flea market is planned. Big Banquet Sat 
eve. Plan to come with your family or significant other as there's plenty to 
see and do in the Philadelphia area.
C U there, Rick, K1DS, president, Pack Rats

>From photos to predictions, The MSN Entertainment Guide to Golden Globes has 
it all. http://tv.msn.com/tv/globes2007/?icid=nctagline1

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