[VHFcontesting] Inverters, rotators and antennas-ROVERS

Bill Burgess ve3cru at rac.ca
Thu Jul 12 13:34:57 EDT 2007

After getting away from a club's heavy 1400 watt generator, I tried using a Vector 600 watt inverter for the Ham IV on the roof of the Rovermobile.  Continually blew the control box fuse, till I overfused it then okay thereafter.  Square wave inverter problem.  Now am installing a Yaesu G1000-DX rotator and not taking any chances blowing it up.  Was getting a pure sine wave inverter, costly, now have a generator for half the price and 1 kw normal load.  Still have some heavy marine batteries to run the rigs too.  For 3 years, never had a working indicator on the control box.  Looking forward to the accuracy forthcoming.

Antennas:  Aside from the 4 elmt beam on 6, I use full size 18' K1FO's.  Here in VE3 I have over 95% of my qso's in an arc E - S - W which reduces the wear on the rotator and on the cables, which are Wireman 106, LMR 400 flex and RG213.  Never had a connector fail yet.  Need the gain for the longer reach.  Large loopers above 432 as well.  It must be great for those who have grids workable in a full 360 degrees.

Looking forward to reaching more of you in the future.


Bill   VE3CRU

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