[VHFcontesting] Re 4 meters

Vic wb4slm at cox.net
Thu Jul 19 09:23:21 EDT 2007

4m is alive & well -- I copied signals on 20 June here in EM82 and was hoping for a 4 to 6 meter crossband -- Mike, VE9AA,  did have a crossband & perhaps the first "recorded" in history .. if one is so inclined a simple search on "youtube" one can find the video .. 

Regarding Transverters -- I know of two transverters & receive converters made for 4 meter operation -- one made in OZ --link is,  http://rudius.net/oz2m/70mhz/transverter.htm  and the other made in England by Spectrum Communications link is,  Spectrum Communications 

I've heard U.S. amateurs could have been authorized 4 meters years ago, but the Remote Control Aircraft Hobby Lobby may have kept it from happening, the RC spectrum is however 2 MHz higher than the Euro's use for weak signals .. however, I think something could be worked out if the FCC would authorise the use of the band .. and I like RC aircraft so no "flames" please :-))

U.S. Ch4 falls within the Euro spectrum, so until HDTV actually becomes the defacto standard we may have to do without weak signal 4 meter operation .. 

There is a web page with all the info one needs about 4 meters .. link is http://www.70mhz.org/ 

      I would like to see more people QSX on 4 meters in the U.S. as I think the propagation is there, just not enough aluminium in the air to find out ... just think it was only a generation ago we were doing cross band contacts with Europe on 10 to 6 meters ... 

      Cheers de Vic -- WB4SLM EM82dp -- ex G0MOS .. 


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