[VHFcontesting] Sept contest - VE3OIL/r FN25 FN24 FN15 FN14 FN13 FN04 FN03 FN02 EN93 EN92

russell beech rbeech2002 at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 4 17:07:15 EDT 2007

The September VHF contest is upon us.  Murray and
I are again planning to be on the road.  
We will be using the call VE3OIL this event.
We have solid 100W stations on the bottom four
bands feeding eight foot yagis.  From 903 to 3456 are
5W stations feeding five foot loopers.  

We will keep skeds and make noise on 144.237,
222.137 and 432.137 when not chasing activity.  Six
will be active as the band allows.  QSY to other bands
cheerfully accepted.

We are accepting skeds, please e-mail

rbeech2002 at yahoo.ca

and we will return a list of suggestions.

We expect to keep the following schedule:



FN14   1800  1830
FN15   1830  1900
FN25   1900  1930
FN24   1930  2100


FN04   0000  0300
FN14   1300  1500
FN13   1530  1700
FN03   1900  2100
EN93   2200  2300
FN02   2300  0000


EN92   0100  0300




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