September 2007 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Sep 1 08:47:54 EST 2007
Ending: Thu Sep 27 23:52:39 EST 2007
Messages: 169
- [VHFcontesting] N3NGE September Contest Operation from grid FN20bd
K3EGE at
- [VHFcontesting] Accuvolt Rover Power
Dave Agsten
- [VHFcontesting] K8GP - VHF Contest WSJT, EME & CW skeds
Grid Pirates Contest Group
- [VHFcontesting] W2SZ needs WSJT schedules in West MA. for September VHF Contest
jeff millar
- [VHFcontesting] VHF Contest and WSJT Skeds wanted.
John Santillo
- [VHFcontesting] W1RT - semi-reality-based rover schedule :)
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R planning stages
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] Alternatives to Par moxon
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Alternatives to Par moxon
Bill Olson
- [VHFcontesting] Alternatives to Par moxon
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Alternatives to Par moxon
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] k3uhf/r plans
frank bechdoldt
- [VHFcontesting] Sept contest - VE3OIL/r FN25 FN24 FN15 FN14 FN13 FN04 FN03 FN02 EN93 EN92
russell beech
- [VHFcontesting] Alternatives to Par moxon
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] KB7ME ARRL Sept VHF Contest Plans
Mike Coogan
- [VHFcontesting] Preamp identification needed
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] Fourlanders W4NH Sept. contest plans
Rogers, Ron
- [VHFcontesting] K4TRT September effort
Joshua M. Arritt
- [VHFcontesting] Something to ponder as you prepare for the next contest
Duane - N9DG
- [VHFcontesting] Something to ponder as you prepare for the next contest
aa4zz at
- [VHFcontesting] Something to ponder as you prepare for the nextcontest
John AA5JG
- [VHFcontesting] Something to ponder as you prepare for the nextcontest
Rogers, Ron
- [VHFcontesting] Fourlanders W4NH Sept. contest plans
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] Something to ponder as you prepare for the nextcontest
K2DRH Bob N2KMA Fran
- [VHFcontesting] WD4OAR active again from EM75 Waucheesi Mtn SE TN
Rusty Boling
- [VHFcontesting] W9FZ/R roves Western Illinois
Bruce Richardson
- [VHFcontesting] K9ZF /R Contest plans
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] WB8BZK/R Sept VHF Contest Rover Plan
Mike Metroka
- [VHFcontesting] KE4YYD EL79 Contest Plans
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R planning stages
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] WB1GQR looking for WSJT and regular QSO's in contest
Mitch Stern
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R planning stages
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] Telnet Question
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] KK6MC/5 Rover in September VHF contest
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Telnet Question
- [VHFcontesting] Telnet Question
- [VHFcontesting] Contest Grids
David Schumacher
- [VHFcontesting] AA4ZZ EM96
aa4zz at
- [VHFcontesting] rover plans for ku4ab/r
ku4ab2 at
- [VHFcontesting] addition to earlier post
David Schumacher
- [VHFcontesting] KF6KDA QRV FROM DM07
- [VHFcontesting] K6EU/R CM96,97,86,87
Tom Carney
- [VHFcontesting] K3LFO Rover Plans
- [VHFcontesting] W4WA EM84EI on SO HP this weekend.
Ron Hooper
- [VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R Plans for Sept VHF QSO Party
Steve Kavanagh
- [VHFcontesting] HELP
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] The Dark Side of The Force Contest Group
Howard W3CQH
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R planning stages
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] N0DQS/R contest plans
Gene - N0DQS
- [VHFcontesting] N0DQS/Rover
Gene - N0DQS
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R update
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R update
Lee Kemp
- [VHFcontesting] Sept VHF QSO Party Es
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] Sept VHF QSO Party Es
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R post contest
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] Post Contest N2JDQ-FN20vg
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R post contest
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R post contest
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Sept 07 post contest comments.
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL VHF-SS KR7O
kr7o at
- [VHFcontesting] W1RT/R results
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] September VHF Scores page
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL September VHF QSO Party
Vince Adams
- [VHFcontesting] Boston Hamfests
- [VHFcontesting] Boston Hamfests
Steve Meuse
- [VHFcontesting] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.
Mike Krzystyniak K9MK
- [VHFcontesting] 2007 ARRL Sep VHF - 3830 Claimed Scores 11Sep2007
Michael Dinkelman
- [VHFcontesting] [Mw] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.
Mike Krzystyniak K9MK
- [VHFcontesting] September VHF QSO Party at W4DEX
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL Sep VHF W9SZ Single Op LP
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] September VHF QSO Party at W4DEX
JT Croteau
- [VHFcontesting] [Mw] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] K3LFO Rover September VHF
- [VHFcontesting] KF6LT W6QB Rover Multi Op Results
David Schumacher
- [VHFcontesting] September Contest
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] K9ZF/R 2007 September VHF QSO Party report
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
James Ahlgren
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Mike Tessmer
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Bill Olson
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Stephen Hicks, N5AC
- [VHFcontesting] Icom 820h
Richard Cook
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
David Schumacher
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
Christopher S Peightal
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
aa4zz at
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
- [VHFcontesting] 432 Amp Part Needed (AM6155)
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16
lee bradshaw
- [VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16
Lee Kemp
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
- [VHFcontesting] WB4SLM
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] 10 GHz & Up Contest - Southern Ontario Activity
Steve Kavanagh
- [VHFcontesting] [OVHFA] 10 GHz & Up Contest - Southern Ontario Activity
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
aduhawk at
- [VHFcontesting] wb4slm
wb4slm at
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
k2drh at
- [VHFcontesting] Wanted: 10 Ghz qso's Sunday
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] Transformer information needed
F. Veitch
- [VHFcontesting] Sprints start Monday night
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] Sprints start Monday night
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Fall 144 VHF Sprints April 25, 2007
Steve Gilmore
- [VHFcontesting] K4TRT 2m Sprint
Joshua M. Arritt
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Fall 144 VHF SprintsApril 25, 2007
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] 2m sprint
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] 144 Sprint tonight
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] K4ATM in 2M Sprint from Carolinas EM95kn
Bill Fisher
- [VHFcontesting] 2m sprint
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] Sprint tonite
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Fall 144 VHF Sprints April 25, 2007
- [VHFcontesting] 144 Sprint tonight
- [VHFcontesting] 2m Sprint Logger
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] NOTICE: RFSport Logger
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
DL Dave
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
- [VHFcontesting] Sprint
George Kangas
- [VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] 07 Fall 2m sprint
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint - K1TEO
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
- [VHFcontesting] Recent post
Eugene Zimmerman
- [VHFcontesting] A political Hack named DL Dave
frank bechdoldt
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Stephan Andre'
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Yaesu FT450 receiver comparisons??
John AA5JG
- [VHFcontesting] Yaesu FT450 receiver comparisons??
John AA5JG
- [VHFcontesting] 2m Fall Sprint - W9RM
Keith Morehouse
- [VHFcontesting] Contest rules and rovering
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] 2m Sprint
Philip Theis
- [VHFcontesting] 144 Sprint results
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R 2M Sprint Result and Observations
Steve Gilmore
- [VHFcontesting] 2 Meter Sprint Logs Email Address
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] 2 Meter Sprint Logs Email Address
Keith Morehouse
- [VHFcontesting] 2 Meter Sprint Logs Email Address
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] Fall Sprint
George Kangas
- [VHFcontesting] 432 Amp Part Needed (AM6155)
- [VHFcontesting] FN77/78 for the 432 MHz Sprint
Ken Alexander
- [VHFcontesting] Milcom/Uniden ARX2125 220MHz Amplifier - Need Parts
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] Wanted: DB6NT 3456 Xvtr w/432 IF
- [VHFcontesting] KB1DFB 2M Sprint
Dick Pechie
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Re: Sprints start Monday night
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] VHF sprints
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Re: Sprints start Monday night
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Fall 222 VHF Sprints - September 25, 2007
Steve Gilmore
- [VHFcontesting] K3LFO for 222 Mhz Sprint
David Erickson
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint fro EL99
George Kangas
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint
George Kangas
- [VHFcontesting] 222 sprint
- [VHFcontesting] sprint
Ken Kent
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint Online Logging
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] 222 sprint
Ken Kent
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Fall 222 Mhz Sprint Score and Observations
Steve Gilmore
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Fall 222 Mhz Sprint Score and Observations
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Fall 222 Mhz Sprint Score and Observations
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] rooms
frank bechdoldt
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Fall 222 Mhz Sprint Score and Observations
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Fall 222 Mhz Sprint Score and Observations
Jimk8mr at
- [VHFcontesting] [PNWVHFS] rooms
Paul Kiesel
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale or Trade
Steven Raas
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Update Countdown
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] MUD conflicts with 50MHz Sprint
JT Croteau
- [VHFcontesting] FS: Kenwood TR751A 2 meter all mode
John AA5JG
- [VHFcontesting] In need of an dead / parts ICOM 820h or 821h
Richard Cook
Last message date:
Thu Sep 27 23:52:39 EST 2007
Archived on: Thu Sep 27 23:52:47 EST 2007
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).