[VHFcontesting] [Mw] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.

Mike Krzystyniak K9MK k9mk at flash.net
Tue Sep 11 11:03:01 EDT 2007

  Thanks for all the responses!   With Steve out for another week, now to
find a part.

73's Mike  k9mk

-----Original Message-----
From: microwave-bounces at lists.valinet.com
[mailto:microwave-bounces at lists.valinet.com]On Behalf Of Fred
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:58 AM
To: Mike Krzystyniak A K9MK; Microwave; VHFcontesting
Subject: Re: [Mw] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.

Hi all,
The device Steve uses is a MGA86576 GaAs MMIC.

From: Mike Krzystyniak  K9MK <k9mk at flash.net>
Date: 2007/09/11 Tue AM 09:10:09 CDT
To: VHFcontesting <VHFcontesting at contesting.com>,
	Microwave <microwave at lists.valinet.com>
Subject: [Mw] First RF device in a DEMI 2304-144 RX line up.

   Mother nature got my 2304 transverter a month ago.  I think he first RX
device got popped during a lightning hit.  Last night when I went to repair
it, I noticed that the RF schematic was more like a block diagram, and is
lacking a parts list.   Seven pages of documentation on their TC and LO
boards, buy nil on top RF.

   DEMI is out of the office for another week.

   Does anyone have a parts list or know what the top RF devices is in the
RX line up?

Thanks... Mike K9MK/5

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