[VHFcontesting] KC8QVO/R planning stages

steve d kc8qvo at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 6 21:29:52 EDT 2007

Well, things are almost ready for the contest this weekend. 
  I am going to set up my antennas in the bed of my pickup truck on a  rotator and 3 section telescoping mast. I started working on the base  this afternoon and got most of it built. Tomorrow Ill finnish the rest  of it. The rotator bracket will be anchored in place with tie-down  straps (ratchets, not cams) so it should be pretty stable. If I can  figure out how to support the bracket with some 2x4's, and if I have  enough, then Ill do that in addition to the tie downs. 
  Ill be running on 3 band - 50, 144, and 432. 100w 50/144 and 50w 432.  The antennas are 21 elements on 432, 13 on 144, and 5 on 50. Each  antenna will be mounted to the top of a telescoping mast section (432  on top, 50 on bottom). That way, when on the road, all the antennas are  low and close together. Then when I get to my operating position I can  extend the mast up and separate the antennas. 
  I think I am going to have to go to a different location in EM79 (good  elevation though, no worries on RF) than I wanted. I havent recieved a  confirmation from the place on whether or not they will allow me to  operate from there. So, the location I will probably operate from is at  the corner of 725 and Loop rd in Centerville. There is a movie theatre  up next to the highway there, Ill park in a back space somewhere  (although it will be a friday night.. didnt think about that before,  they might be busy). The visibility is good. 
  My EM89 location is a baseball park about a mile sw of South Charleston  on Rt. 42. The elevation there is roughly 1100' but is fairly flat. The  elevation goes up in one direction a little bit, but at a shallow  angle. The location is pretty good.
  In EN80 Ill be operating from my buddy's new QTH. It is about a  1/2 mile south of Milford Center, off of rt. 4. 
  I hope to hear and work everyone in the contest! Lets hope propogation  is good. I know Es is done for the year, so maybe we'll get some good  ducting or aurora that we can work!
  Steve, KC8QVO
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