[VHFcontesting] KK6MC/5 Rover in September VHF contest

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Thu Sep 6 23:31:29 EDT 2007

I will rove this Saturday in the VHF contest. I know that propagation  
is likely to be flat, but I am trying to get some experience for when  
it is good. I will be on 6M and 2M. 70 W on 6M to a 2 element Yagi  
and 35 Watts on 2 Meters to a 6 element Yagi. Unless the band really  
opens I will call on the calling frequency, or when that is in use 3  
kHz higher. I will have CW too, so give that a try if you can't raise  
me on SSB.

I will start Saturday the 9th at the Moriarity grid square  
convergence of DM65, DM64, DM75 and DM74. Probable schedule looks  
like this:

1800Z DM75

1930Z DM74

2100  DM65

2230  DM64

Depending on how much activity there is or setup issues I have these  
times may vary. I should be able to work into Southern Colorado from  
here, so listen for me.

I will return home on Saturday night and go out again on Sunday. This  
time to the west.

1400Z DM66

1800Z DM56

2200Z DM55

These times are approximate as well and as the travel time is much  
greater, they are more uncertain.

If you get this message more than once, I apologize, but I sent it to  
several lists and to people who I worked in the last contest. Thanks  
for your support. - Duffey

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