[VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Fall 222 VHF Sprints - September 25, 2007

Steve Gilmore shg at midatlanticbb.com
Tue Sep 25 08:02:48 EDT 2007


With the 2 Meter Sprint behind us for 2007 tonight happens to be the 222
Sprint sponsored by the Southeast VHF Society (http://www.svhfs.org/.

The W4SHG/R vessel will again be out in trek mode for the running of the 222
mhz Spring Sprint 9/24/2007.

Look for the W4SHG/R in the following locations:

7:00pm - 7:40pm  FM18AX  Sky Meadows State Park                1000ft ASL 
8:00pm - 8:40pm  FM19AB  Mount Weather                         1700ft ASL 
9:10pm - 9:40pm  FM09WB  (Middle of No-where)                   700ft ASL
10:10pm - 10:30pm FM08US Little Devil Stairs (Looking South)   3200ft ASL
10:35pm - 11:00pm FM08US Hogback (Looking North/North/West)    3200ft ASL

I will be active while in flight and will be on 222.122 while on the move.
The Expediton Rover will have 12 Elements with rotator and 250 horsepower :)

This year we are going to give the new Yaesu FT-450 a go with the Elecraft
I found the receiver a bit crushed with big signals nearby in the 144
Sprint, we shall see how it fares on a quieter band.

I look forward to hearing many as we will look hard down South at 10:10pm
and then North East from 10:25 to 11:00pm. 
I hope to hear loads of activity.

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Gilmore - W4SHG

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