[VHFcontesting] Great idea -- Kudos to Grid Pirates

John Geiger aa5jg at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 5 00:10:44 EST 2008


You address another objection I had about open logs, but forgot to write-they open up all sorts of witchhunts.  We already have the rover witchhunts going on because someone won a contest in a way other than some hams think they should have operated (but not in violation of the rules).  Open logs will just encourage more of this.

73s John AA5JG

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Buck Calabro <kc2hiz at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Great idea -- Kudos to Grid Pirates
> To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
> Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 10:51 PM
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:18 PM,  kr7o wrote:
> > I love how we are all presumed guilty unless we prove
> otherwise.
> If I were forced to post an open log I would simply go play
> radio and
> not bother to turn a log in.  It's not worth the grief
> of having a
> dozen people publicly question my motives over every
> transposed call
> sign, every QSO with a multi-op, every stop in a rare grid
> square
> where I called CQ for hours just to hear white noise
> because no one
> turns their beams that way (you know, violating the spirit
> of the
> contest by not contacting as many people as possible.)
> Guilty until the log proves me innocent, and the beauty of
> the system
> is that if I make an enemy in 25 years by, God help me,
> actually
> winning a contest, it'll be a sure thing that all those
> past logs will
> get publicly flayed on various reflectors.
> No thanks.
> KC2HIZ once and future /r
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