[VHFcontesting] rules

Michael Tessmer fininine at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 09:35:48 EST 2008

 >Anyway you can set it up is fine. It will increase activity!

Being moslty an (unwelcome?) HFer who dabbles in VHF events from time to
time, I guess I don't quite get it.  Joe Casual Op sees something in a
magazine about a VHF contest so he turns on the radio to check it out.  But
all the VHFers are in the chat rooms or on the phone lining up their QSOs so
he doesn't hear anyone calling CQ or whatever.  Joe C. figures there's not
much to this VHF stuff and turns off the radio and does other stuff for the
rest of the weekend.  Exactly how does this increase activity?

>Let those that want truly "random" contacts without ANY pre-arranged
>schedules/spotting, etc or running the bands - only call CQ to make a
>contact (or two) on 2.3, 5.7, 10 GHz (or higher) and see how they do
>any coordination of time, where to aim/point, frequency, mode, etc - it
>isn't going happen very often....

Best as I can tell, this discussion has never been about "running the bands"
with a station once you establish the initial contact.  "Running the bands"
is standard procedure, always has been.  The key is you made the initial
contact via radio - likely on one of the lower bands - and you moved up from
there after peaking your antennas, etc.  You found each other by calling CQ,
turning your antennas, tuning around the bands, calling more CQs, etc.  This
all worked fine and good 20 years ago.  Why doesn't it work anymore today?

73, Mike K9NW

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