[VHFcontesting] CQ VHF and EN67

craig at thompsonet.com craig at thompsonet.com
Wed Jul 2 08:58:46 EDT 2008

VHF'ers and Felllow Contestors:
     K9CT and N9LR  will be operating in EN67 on top of Mt. Brockway for
the CQ VHF Contest on Saturday July 19 and Sunday July 20.  Arrangements
have been made with the appropriate officials to setup and operate from
this incredible mountain top with a visible horizon of more than 50 miles
in all directions.  We will have 5 elements on 6 using a 50 foot trailer
mounted tower and 10 elements  on 2 at 30 feet.  We will run 150 watts on
both bands.  Each station and antennas functioned well for last weekends
Field Day activities.   N9LR will be the call employed during the contest. 
We plan on operating 6 and 2 meters simultaneously..
     For those interested in WSJT meteor scatter, please E-mail K9CT at
k9ct at arrl.net for skeds. We will hit rocks hard on Saturday night and early
Sunday morning depending our luck with Es and/or tropo. 
     We hope to put many stations in the log.
     73  Larry N9LR
           Craig K9CT

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