[VHFcontesting] 432 antenna plans

David ke4yyd at gtcom.net
Sat Jul 12 10:28:18 EDT 2008

After receiving several replies I am considering using four end mounted 4 
element beams mounted in different directions connected by a phasing harness 
to a single lead in.  I really don't need omni coverage due to my location 
on the Gulf shore.  A 4 element beam should perform better than stacked 
loops in a given direction but I have no idea how the phased beams would 
interact since they would be pointing in different directions.   Phasing two 
antennas in different directions seems to work with TV antennas.  Comments 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David" <ke4yyd at gtcom.net>
To: <vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu>; <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 9:17 PM
Subject: 432 antenna plans

>I am getting together some 432 stuff in hope I can get a tower worker in 
>the near future.  I have decided to put SQ-432 stack on the side of my 
>tower. I plan to use LMR-400 type coax.  My tower is 70 ft. and I plan to 
>put the antennas at about 50 ft as the guy that will be doing the job will 
>use a bucket that only has about a 50 ft reach.  I will not use a tower 
>preamp as they don't have longevity here due to lightning.  I am thinking 
>that going higher would not be any better anyway as the coax loss would be 
>greater than gain from height. At 50 ft, the antennas will be above the 
>tree line.  I would like some comments and suggestions about my thoughts.
> David

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