[VHFcontesting] KK6MCs figures

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Tue Jul 29 20:20:54 EDT 2008

Frank - We have plowed this ground before:

< http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2005-08/msg00138.html 

discusses the grids worked and QSOs worked outside of the grid  
expedition members for contests by N6NB/r up to the summer of 2005.  
There are lots of QSOs with non team members and lots of QSOs with  
grids not visited by the rover expedition. I suspect that the June  
2006 contest results by the California group are similar.

I get it. I just don't think it is as bad for the rover categories as  
you and others do. I don't think it is bad for VHF/UHF contesting. If  
the claimed scores hold up during log checking, I will have finished  
6th overall nationwide in the rover-limited division. I am happy with  
that result, particularlya s I finished 91st (out of 98) last year. I  
know how I can do better next year. If the team roving had not taken  
place, I would have finished 5th. To me that is not a big impact. I  
guess it is a bigger deal for K4GUN/r who would have moved from 4th to  

By my count there were 91 rover entries this June, compared to 98 last  
June. I suspect that is within the statistical variation.

I hope that you and everyone who has posted in this long thread gets  
out and roves this weekend in the UHF contest. Or at least gets on and  
looks for us rovers. I will rove. With the small wavelengths it is  
easy to be strong with modest antennas and power. Plus there haven't  
been many, if any, grid squaring forays into the UHF contest, so that  
argument for not participating goes out the window. Rove and do good  
deeds. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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