[VHFcontesting] hate mail

Gregg Seidl k9kl at centurytel.net
Wed Jul 30 19:55:08 EDT 2008

Thanks for all the support.I guess I'm not used to this kind of hate mail 
and other just not very nice stuff.Last year I had one guy send me a nasty 
email about me being "too close" to 50.125.I got over that and I'll get over 
this too.Like my wife said,if I quit VHF then the jerk wins.
    Thanks to all the guys who offered to help me find the sender,I may or 
may not pursue that further.
    There was another few guys who wanted to help me kick some *^#.That 
pleasure would have been mine,thanks anyway though.
    Some asked if it came from some other source,while it is possible I 
think it was from my comment the other day about just stopping that thread.I 
do have my email addy on my web page   www.k9kl.com  but I think by the 
wording it was from the comment.I really don't do much else on the 
internet,other then radio stuff,a little Ebay,my hit and miss engine stuff 
and emailing my distant cousin.Thats it,I don't do chat rooms or online 
dating ( I'm happily married ) or anything else.
    Mostly though I want to thank all those "good guys" who told me to just 
forget about it.So I guess ya'll just stuck with me for a while yet.
    I STILL want to kick that guys (^# though.To borrow and modify an old 
saying from the 60's lets make QSO's not war.   Gregg K9KL 

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