[VHFcontesting] distance scoring

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Jun 20 10:15:21 EDT 2008

Or could we have someone - the ARRL or an independent group - score the  same 
contest several ways?
The Cabrillo format logs submitted are just raw material. The sponsor runs  
them through its computer to calculate the scores.  Just have that someone  
make a second pass, this time scoring with a distance based algorithm. Publish  
two lists. For now the traditional formula will be the one to get the plaques  
and certificates, but at least bragging rights, and real world information, 
will  be gained from an alternate scoring calculation.
If the logs from past contests are still sitting in some computer in  
Newington, these too could be scored by alternate rules and the results posted  on 
the web.
73  -  Jim   K8MR 
In a message dated 6/20/2008 10:01:43 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcplatt1 at mmm.com writes:

Perhaps  a serious proposal, rather than a petition, is needed.   6m is  a
"problem" with distance based scoring.    Also, what is the  emphasis for
working the higher bands ?  There are details that need  to be worked out.
Its not sufficient to say "we want a distance based  contest" without also
suggesting a format.  On the plus side, there is  no reason that the
January, June, and September contests all have to be the  same format (grids
X QSO pts) .... once upon a time they use to be  different.   Perhaps making
one of them, OR, perhaps having a new  contest based on distance scoring,
would be fun.   In any case,  there needs to be a serious proposal that
details how this would  work.    The Stew Perry (160m distance based
contest) is  excellent but its just one band.   Perhaps there is something
to  be learned from some of the EU VHF contests that use distance  based

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