[VHFcontesting] VHF/UHF rigs FS (trades possible)

John Geiger aa5jg at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 00:43:05 EDT 2008

I have a couple of HF/VHF/UHF rigs for sale, just in
time for the June contest.  These make excellent
roving radios.  Here is what I have:

1. An Icom 706MKIIG HF/VHF/UHF transceiver in
excellent condition.  This is the model that does 100
watts on HF and 6m, 50 watts on 2m, and 20 watts on
70cm.  It comes with the original box, manual, power
cord, and mic.  Looks great and works fine.  I am
asking $625 for it.  

2. Yaesu FT100D-also does 100 watts on HF and 6m, 50
watts on 2m and 20 watts on 70cm.  This rig is in
excellent condition except for 1 small mark on the top
of the faceplate.  It works fine other than the fan is
loud when it first comes on (it quiets down after a
bit) and the mic button sticks a bit at times.  It
comes with the box, manual, mic and power cord.  This
is a late model FT100D (2K serial number range) with
the factory mods done to it already.  I am asking

Prices do not include shipping from zip 73507.  I can
take paypal, checks, or MO.  I would be interested in
trades for a Yaesu FT897D or FT450, Kenwood TS690SAT,
TS480SAT, or TS570SG.

73s John AA5JG


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