May 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu May 1 15:06:14 EDT 2008
Ending: Sat May 31 18:44:31 EDT 2008
Messages: 169
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amp
John Lindholm
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
radioman01 at
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
Ray J
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
kb7dqh at
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
aa4zz at
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
Dana Rawding
- [VHFcontesting] 222 Amps
Bill Dzurilla
- [VHFcontesting] 34th Annual Eastern VHF/UHF Conference Proceedings
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] 6 Meter Lessons Learned
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] 6 Meter Lessons Learned
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] 6 Meter Propagation...
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] 6 meter Sprint
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] 6 meter Sprint
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] 6M sprint
Ken Kent
- [VHFcontesting] 6M sprint
Ellen Rugowski
- [VHFcontesting] 6m Sprint
Bruce Herrick
- [VHFcontesting] 6m Sprint
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] 6M Sprint
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] 6m sprint
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] 6m Sprint
Phil Theis
- [VHFcontesting] 6M sprint
larry scott
- [VHFcontesting] 6m Sprint
- [VHFcontesting] 6M Sprint Results
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] 6m sprint results - N2SLN
- [VHFcontesting] [Mw] W4DEX on for Microwave Sprint
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] [TowerTalk] Schematic for M2 6m5
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] 6 Meter Lessons Learned
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] 6 Meter Propagation...
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] First ever 6 Meter E's--August Schott, K5HCT
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Rogers, Ron
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Trent Fleming
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] [VHF] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] A Public notice posted by the FCC
Howard W3CQH
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
k4gun at
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Stephen Hicks, N5AC
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Bill Olson
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Gene Gabry
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Gene Gabry
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
specrisk at
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Steve Meuse
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] advice for 222 in a contest
kb7dqh at
- [VHFcontesting] Advice on Pre-Amps
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Advice on Pre-Amps
George Fremin III
- [VHFcontesting] Advice on Pre-Amps
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Announcing the "Northern Nevada Microwave Society"
T. M.
- [VHFcontesting] Another propagation Resource
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL LoTW News Flash
R Johnson
- [VHFcontesting] Bands under attack-follow up
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] butyl rubber solvent
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Call for papers Mid-Atlantic VHF Conf 9-27
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Call for papers-Mid-Atlantic VHF Conference
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Contesting Software for June VHF
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Contesting Software for June VHF
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] Contesting Software for June VHF
Chet, N8RA
- [VHFcontesting] CQ WW VHF High Scores
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] CQWW VHF Contest
John Lindholm
- [VHFcontesting] Dayton Tickets 1/2 price
Jim Erickson
- [VHFcontesting] Elecraft xvtrs
- [VHFcontesting] EN60vl - 6M Sprint
Jim Hunt
- [VHFcontesting] First ever 6 Meter E's--August Schott, K5HCT
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] FOR SALE
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] FOR SALE VHF/UHF
CatWhiskR at
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale: 1296 Xvtr
Michael Gullo
- [VHFcontesting] FOR SALE: VHF/UHF : Revised
CatWhiskR at
- [VHFcontesting] FOR SALE: VHF/UHF items
CatWhiskR at
- [VHFcontesting] Forum/Sites for Repairing Mirage Amp Please?
Billy Cox
- [VHFcontesting] FS: 6GHz TWT's with PS, 10W...
Adam Kuzych
- [VHFcontesting] FS: FT-736R
K4SO - Mark
- [VHFcontesting] Generators & Roving
Dave Agsten
- [VHFcontesting] Great afternoon and fun morning....
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] HF +6 xcvrs & Transverters
David Whaley
- [VHFcontesting] HF +6 xcvrs & Transverters
Ray J
- [VHFcontesting] HF +6 xcvrs & Transverters
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] HF +6 xcvrs & Transverters
aa4zz at
- [VHFcontesting] HI-SPEC 1.2ghz amp Info needed!
kevinemtid at
- [VHFcontesting] HI-SPEC 1.2ghz amp Info needed!
Bill Olson
- [VHFcontesting] HI-SPEC 1.2ghz amp Info needed!
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] High Scores, CQ WW VHF Contest
curtis roseman
- [VHFcontesting] Inverters and roving
k4gun at
- [VHFcontesting] Inverters and roving
k4gun at
- [VHFcontesting] Inverters and roving
Jack Isenberg
- [VHFcontesting] Inverters and roving
dbubke at
- [VHFcontesting] January results
k4gun at
- [VHFcontesting] June and September Contest Records on the ARRL Web
curtis roseman
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
Bill Olson
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
Rogers, Ron
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN 6m Par Moxon and DC Rotors
Bob Cumming
- [VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r in 6M Spring Sprint
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r in Spring Sprint
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Last Call: The 2008 VHF Weak Signal Group Banquet at the Dayton Hamvention®
Tony Emanuele
- [VHFcontesting] Looking for a 432 rig
Ellen Rugowski
- [VHFcontesting] mast mounted preamps
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint
George Sintchak/WA2VNV
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint from EM63nf-Coordination Frequencies? Looking for Skeds
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Microwave Sprint Report
wemccourt at
- [VHFcontesting] Mid-Atlantic VHF Conf & HAMARAMA 9/27-28
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Mid-Atlantic VHF Conf & HAMARAMA 9/27-28
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] N1LF-Rookie-MICROWAVE
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] N2SLN for 6m sprint
- [VHFcontesting] N8RA 6M sprint
Chet, N8RA
- [VHFcontesting] New ARRL Contest Branch Blog
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] Newbie questions about propagation...
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Newbie questions about propagation...
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Joe Serocki
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Joe Serocki
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Bruce Kripton
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
kb7dqh at
- [VHFcontesting] Nuking
Ray J
- [VHFcontesting] RF Space SDR-IP
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Rover for sale
Joe Serocki
- [VHFcontesting] Schematic for M2 6m5
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [VHFcontesting] SDR "Friendly" converters
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] SDR "Friendly" converters
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] Southeastern VHF Society's Orlando FL Conference Pictures
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] still FOR SALE
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] test
Robert Brucker
- [VHFcontesting] The "Navigator" by US Interface
Tom Sneden, K6VCR
- [VHFcontesting] The beginnings for my next rover <g>
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] The beginnings for my next rover <g>
k4gun at
- [VHFcontesting] The beginnings for my next rover <g>
Joe Crawford
- [VHFcontesting] Tonna F9FT 20650
- [VHFcontesting] Updated VHF_USA.DTB Now Available
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] Use of Sequencers for Transverters
pipkin29292 at
- [VHFcontesting] UT-1- 1.2 GHZ FOR TS-790 KENWOOD
Mike Wechsler
- [VHFcontesting] UT-10 1.2 GHZ UNIT FOR TS-790 KENWOOD
Mike Wechsler
- [VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO in EN39
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO in EN39
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] VE3WCC June ARRL VHF QSO Party Operation
Al & Shelley Penney
- [VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Software
- [VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Software
Tom Carney
- [VHFcontesting] VHF-UHF-COAX CHART
- [VHFcontesting] VHF-UHF-COAX CHART
George Fremin III
- [VHFcontesting] VHF-UHF-COAX CHART
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] VHF/UHF rigs FS (trades possible)
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] W3CCX June 2008 Contest Operation
K3EGE at
- [VHFcontesting] W3CCX looking for M/S skeds for June Contest
K3EGE at
- [VHFcontesting] W3DIO 6m Sprint
David Erickson
- [VHFcontesting] W3DIO on for 6m Sprint
David Erickson
- [VHFcontesting] W4DEX on for Microwave Sprint
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX
- [VHFcontesting] W8RU Microwave Sprint
Ron Majewski
- [VHFcontesting] Wanted: 2 meter amp
Alan Muldawer
- [VHFcontesting] WB8BZK/R 50 Sprint Results
Mike Metroka
- [VHFcontesting] workplace and other stuff
Gregg Seidl
- [VHFcontesting] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Workplace Violence, XYL Time, and Nothing on but LIDS!
John Geiger
Last message date:
Sat May 31 18:44:31 EDT 2008
Archived on: Sat May 31 18:44:35 EDT 2008
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).