[VHFcontesting] QST_ June contest write up

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 23:50:27 EST 2008

Steve - I still think that you are focusing on only part of the issue.  
It is clear that the 4 points for the microwave QSOa played as big a  
role in KB6TOA's winning the limited rover class as did grid squaring.  
Yet few if any seem to complain about this. If those QSos were only  
worth a single point, you probably wouldn't have an issue. Even if  
they were only worth 2 points, the margin of victory would not have  
been overwhelming and other  rovers who did not grid circle could have  
had comparable scores.

I do not see where these activities have diminished my accomplishments  
as a rover, modest as they may be. I know how to improve my score for  
the next contest and am implementing those ideas. With effort, I could  
recruit others to grid square with me and try to achieve a similar  
score to those that have won. I suspect that you could as well. But,  
like you, my interests lie in other areas. I have added 22 MHz, the  
capability to operate in motion and better antennas for use in motion.

There is no "spirit of the rules". There are only the rules. This may  
seem harsh, but it is the only rationale way a contest can be run.

If you do not like the outcome of the current rule implementation,  
that is fine. I understand your frustration. Please make constructive  
suggestions as to new rules that would make it better and forward  
these to your VUAC representative with copies to your Division  
Director. Send a copy to the list as well.

We can develop a set of suggestions, that if implemented, will make  
the rover classes competitive across as broad a class of entrants as  
possible. But we need to think rationally about how to do this. We  
need to explore every possible permutation of the new rules. If  
possible, we need to look at old entries to see how our new  
suggestions will affect them. We need to consider unintended  

By the way, thanks for getting Toyota to sponsor the rover plaques. I  
intend to win one in one of these contests. I hope we can work in one  
of these contests. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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