[VHFcontesting] HORSE = DEAD. Lather, rinse, repeat.

kr7o at vhfdx.com kr7o at vhfdx.com
Thu Nov 20 13:03:52 EST 2008

>Simply go back through some of the summer posts on here or look at the 
>pages zipped files of months past you will find that most of the top 10 
>big zipped files include a rover related controversy in that month's post.

With all the rehashed moaning on the VHF contesting, HF contesting, and 
Moon-net reflectors regarding this/that perceived contest problem I can't 
decide if I just want to unsubscribe from all of them or just sell out and 
take up knitting.

73, Robert KR7O/YB2ARO, DM07ba/OI52ee  (ex.  N7STU)
kr7o at vhfdx.com

www.vhfdx.com (KR7O/YB2ARO homepages)

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