[VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r in Spring Sprint

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Mon Apr 13 19:01:12 PDT 2009

I will be out for the 222 MHz Spring Spring tomorrow.

ere is my rover schedule for the 222 MHz Spring Sprint April 14, 2009.

I will go to the Moriarty Convergence. Here is my schedule:

DM74 	1900 Start on 222.1 MHz
	1915 QSY to 222.110, point South and call. I will call the first 30  
seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds.
	1930 Stay on 222.110 MHz, point North and call. I will call the first  
30 seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds.
	1945 drop antenna, replace with mobile antenna and operate while  
moving to

DM75	2000 check into Albuquerque Area activity net on 222.1 MHz and  
work participants.
	2015 QSY to 222.110, point South and call. I will call the first 30  
seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds.
	2030 Stay on 222.110 MHz, point North and call. I will call the first  
30 seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds. 	I think that  
the EMVHF net points south and calls on this schedule as well, so look  
for me
	1945 drop antenna, replace with mobile antenna and operate while  
moving to	

DM64    2100 Check for general activity on 222.1
	2115 QSY to 222.110, point South and call. I will call the first 30  
seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds.
	2130 Stay on 222.110 MHz, point North and call. I will call the first  
30 seconds of the minute, call me the second 30 seconds.
	2145 drop antenna, replace with mobile antenna and operate while  
moving to

DM65 	2200 Arrive at home, calling while mobile stay on 222.1 MHz
	2230 QRT, unless there is a lot of activity. There usually isn't a  
lot of activity.

I have not worked much DX on 222 MHz, so I don't have much past  
history to gauge things by. The amp is new this time around, my  
previous efforts on 222 MHz all were at 20 W out, at 125 W out, things  
should be much better.

Let me know if you will be on. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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