[VHFcontesting] Protest Logs and other things...

kr7o at vhfdx.com kr7o at vhfdx.com
Wed Aug 12 17:01:28 PDT 2009

Marshall and others, you must carefully think through your protest logs.

If you participate in the contest and submit a log with zero contacts, 
everyone you worked will get a busted contact and be penalized (if the 
robot even accepts a log with no contacts).
If you submit a log with just your call, it should score out at zero 
points, but, if you worked anyone else the above still applies.

Probably the best places to voice you objections publicly would be to 
submit a soapbox entry to the contest website and submit your null score to 
the 3830 contest score reflector.  State your case there.  At a minimum the 
person writing the QST write-up gleans soapbox comments for the contest 
results.  Best off is to write everyone involved in this at the ARRL if you 
haven't already.

I can't wait to see a 50% or more reduction in entries and scores this 
year.  This rule will definitely not increase activity.

At 12:47 PM 8/11/2009 -0500, Marshall Williams wrote:
>Hello again to all....I have not been able to get the Contest Branch to
>give me a straight answer as to whether or not a Protest Log(a log with
>NO contacts) would be counted as a "Log Received".  Hence, I will submit
>NO log this time.  I do not want the ARRL to count Protest Logs in their
>logs received totals so as to make their EME contest look healthy.  IF
>you are not going to participate in this EME contest, then do not send
>in a Protest Log.
>I am not asking anyone to NOT participate, if that is their wish.
>Contrary to others, I don't try to tell people how they can and cannot
>operate.  IF you are as upset as I am AND you plan not to operate this
>EME contest, either because there is no class for you(my case) or
>because you want to protest this horrible decision, THEN do not send in
>any log.  It might be right to send in a letter to the Contest Branch
>specifying why you did not participate--after the contest is over.
>For those that might want some background on this mess, I have put on my
>web site(www.k5qe.com) all my postings to the VHFContesting Reflector.
>Just click on EME Assistance on the left hand side....that will take you
>to a page listing the most significant posts that I have made as well as
>a new and interesting idea.  The background is important....it helps
>someone to understand this issue......somewhat.

73, Robert KR7O/YB2ARO, DM07ba/OI52ee  (ex.  N7STU)
kr7o at vhfdx.com

www.vhfdx.com (KR7O/YB2ARO homepages)

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