[VHFcontesting] DIstance Scoring for Contests

Duane - N9DG n9dg at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 11 22:18:17 EST 2009

Thanks Malcolm very much for the link...

I spent some time reading the rules for the RSGB VHF+ contests that use distance based scoring. I noted that serial numbering and signal reports are part of the exchange. I'd be currious to know if people really do give meaningful signal reports, or if it's just like a typical HF contest where veryone is "59" no matter what their signal strength actually is?

And very interestingly I also did not find anything in the rules that describes (allows?) the practice of roving between grid squares. Is that kind of operating just not done, or is just not popular? 

I also tried to find more information about some of the other VHF+ contests in IARU Region 1. I so far have only found references to a contest simply called "IARU Region 1 VHF Contest" which appears to be somewhat new. I have to believe that there are other VHF contests in that part of the world which are designed to encompass the entire EU continent and beyond. Is that true? And any links to sponsors to them would be greatly appreciated.


--- On Wed, 2/11/09, G0MIC at aol.com <G0MIC at aol.com> wrote:

> From: G0MIC at aol.com <G0MIC at aol.com>
> Subject: [VHFcontesting] DIstance Scoring for Contests
> To: VHFcontesting at contesting.com
> Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 12:37 PM
> Hi Fellas,
> If you need rules for distance scoring then take a look at
> _www.vhfcc.org_ 
> (http://www.vhfcc.org)  which is the UK RSGB VHF 
> contesting site.  Download the 
> General and Special rules and the VHF Field  Day Rules.  
> 6 digit Maidenhead locators are used and are easily
> available on a number  of 
> GPS units and can easily be calculated from Lat/Lon
> available on virtually  
> every GPS and from Maps and to 10 characters on Google
> Earth.
> Computer logging is not a necessity as the adjudication
> software does the  
> scoring anyway, it helps and enables people to put up their
> own claimed scores  
> for others to see.
> The systems are well tried and tested in the UK and Europe
> and whilst  there 
> are biases in the system brought about by demographics we
> have learned to  
> live with them or have moved our contest sites to suit!
> Regards
> Malcolm


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