[VHFcontesting] psyched out

Ron Hooper w4wa at alltel.net
Mon Feb 16 08:26:07 EST 2009

Hi Paul

Thanks for the follow up. I agree that passing the 6 digit grid during the
exchange might not be attractive to many operators including myself on some

On 902 mhz and up to 2.3 ghz I run very high gain antennas at 100 feet. My
goal during the contest is to work as many stations as possible. I found
that getting the antennas lined up from both stations is very difficult,
even if you went up the bands one at time. My computer logging program will
take a 4 or 6 digit grid and calculate the heading and distance. I basically
know most people around here that are on the bands above 432 and have
took time to program their fixed station 6 digit grids into the computer so
I can get the antenna on them a little quicker. Now if a rover shows up, and
he knows his 6 digit grid, I can enter his grid into the logging program and
it will give me a more precise heading at the push of a few key strokes. I
also calculate and pass my heading back to him for my station but I usually
only log his 4 digit grid since he will be in another location later and
it will not help later.

I think logging 4 digit grids should be required and 6 digit grids should be
optional. Actually I have been turning in logs in to the ARRL with 6 digit
grids logged. I do not remember any problems running the cabrillo file using
TR logger or received any feedback that it has caused a problem. There maybe
other reasons why some want a 6 digit grid in the exchange so let them use
them if they want. I dont care if they want to use 8 digit grids if it helps
to make the contact. Perhaps someone else can explain why they need to use 6
digits that is different from mine.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Paul Kiesel <k7cw at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Hi Ron,
> Perhaps I shouldn't have said "large". Of course, nothing has been settled
> as to rules, but the general feeling out there is that 6-character grids
> would be used for the report. If that were the case, then it probably would
> not be a big deal, as long as all the contests were run the same way. If
> they weren't, then there would probably be confusion at each running of a
> contest, resulting in extra workload at the contest desk, getting things
> straightened out. Also, I would think that the Cabrillo file would have to
> be modified and a calculator function added to compute points for each
> contact.
> I can understand a desire for a change of pace. You might be right about
> assigning more points for each distant contact. But, that wouldn't cause me
> to work harder to get distant stations. I work hard to get the distant
> stations now.
> I have not worked any distance scoring contests outside of the Stew Perry.
> I liked the SP because the exchange was not a "given." You actually had to
> copy the guy's grid locator. This might be a good point for those in favor
> of distance based contests with 6-character grids as the exchange. It might
> not be for others. For instance, while it might be easy enough to copy DELTA
> NOVEMBER ONE THREE from here in CN87, as it is now, copying DELTA NOVEMBER
> ONE THREE MIKE GOLF might not be.
> I guess I'm resistant to change. I'm happy with the contests the way they
> are now. I wouldn't fight a change, though.
> 73,
> Paul, K7CW
> --- On *Sun, 2/15/09, Ron Hooper <w4wa at alltel.net>* wrote:
> From: Ron Hooper <w4wa at alltel.net>
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] psyched out
> To: k7cw at yahoo.com
> Cc: "VHF Contesting Reflector" <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 9:24 PM
>  Hi Paul
> Can you help me to understand why you think the work load would increase on
> the sponsors for distance scoring?
> I didn't think we are actually talking about a new set of rules only the
> way the score is compiled for the contacts. Isn't that correct?
> I don't know what the scoring results will be since I have never operated a
> VHF distance scoring contest. I have operated the Stew Perry challenge on
> 160 cw and enjoyed it. After operating various HF and VHF contest for 39
> years with similar traditional scoring formats, changing to VHF distance
> scoring might be fun.
> I don't think distance scoring is actually about who is going to be the new
> winners when it is all over. However, I can see that working several
> stations in a dx grid in an opening will count the same for each contact
> using distance scoring, instead of just another point after the initial
> contact using grid multipliers. Many contesters are dxers at heart and may
> like the idea of getting rewarded with extra points for each dx contact.
> Have you operated a distance scoring contest? If so, was it more fun?
> Ron W4WA
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Paul Kiesel <k7cw at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Frank,
>> You didn't have to take that quote out of context, but it still applies.
>> Your other enhancement didn't help you, either.
>> In an indirect way, I addressed the "situation" in California. But, since
>> you decided to broach the subject directly, here is my reply: Nobody is
>> breaking any rules. In my opinion, the ARRL is off beat by having a word
>> like "intent" in the rules. There should be no interpretation going on.
>> Having someone decide whether there is intent or not is ridiculous, in my
>> opinion. Apparently, the interpretations arrived at by the group in
>> Califonia is different from yours. Beyond that, they won their categories in
>> the contest by following the rules and were not disqualified. I told you
>> before, that if I had the resources, I would get a crew together myself to
>> take Wayne and his bunch on. As you can see, I don't have a problem with
>> Wayne and his methods of winning. Ask yourself if you thought that you would
>> place first in the US if they didn't. If the answer is yes, then get set up
>> to beat them next time. If the answer is no, then you have no beef since you
>> are not
>>  in the same ARRL division.
>> As far as the distance scoring thing goes, I'd rather not change. It would
>> be change of pace for the competitors but would mean a large increase in
>> workload for the sponsors. I think the winners of contests under the present
>> set of rules would continue to win under a new set of rules.
>> Why the HF chick down the street? Wasn't she married to Borat or
>> something? ;-)
>> 73,
>> Paul, K7CW
>> --- On Sun, 2/15/09, frank bechdoldt <k3uhf at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> From: frank bechdoldt <k3uhf at hotmail.com>
>> Subject: [VHFcontesting] psyched out
>> To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
>> Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 6:49 PM
>> A snip from paul, A guy I really do like, becuase he usually makes me
>> think.
>> "A solution for achieving high esteem: If you find that you probably
>> won't win, Drop back and consider just having fun by competing with those
>> whom you have similar circumstances, try to improve on previous scores
>> that
>> you've made or just have fun in the activity by participating."73,
>> Paul, K7CWK7CW
>> Come on Paul, the group in California has no/few peers becasuse the
>> majority of
>> rovers honor the intent of the ARRL  rulemakers who put value in the
>> contest.
>> Even if I was to take out my brain and say lunchg box/ grid circling
>>  roving in
>> the begining class and traditional class was fair it would not be
>> sportsmanlike
>> or good for the contest as a whole.  The best example is profesional
>> sports with
>> salary cap. Its done to keep things competive. Would people be interested
>> in
>> sports if stienbrenner exclusively cloned the best players in baseball
>> history
>> and the Yankees beat every team for a 100 perent record for the next
>> decade?
>> People in Boston aLLREADY KNOW HE'S DOING THIS. If the rest of baseball
>> said
>> it was unethical, would it be wrong for the other teams to address it in a
>> political manner?
>> Count me in to help with distance scoring ARRL sponsered or not. ARRl
>> fixes
>> this issue or not.  There needs to be more variety in the VHF bedroom, or
>> we
>> might have to step out with that HF chick down the street.
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