[VHFcontesting] January VHF SS- N8RA

Chet, N8RA chetsubaccount at snet.net
Thu Jan 15 16:40:23 EST 2009

N8RA will be active in the January VHF SS on 6m, 2m, and 70 cm from NW
Connecticut, FN31lu. 
The operating class will be limited multiop with KD1EU and I at the

At this time the station is not up to full operation. (Is it ever?)

The rotator for the 6m antennas is still down for repair. It cannot be fixed
and reinstalled in time, so another 6M antenna was side mounted on the tower
Tuesday during the warm spell (30 deg). 

Conversion of an AM6155 amplifier to 70 cm was successful, and this will be
its first real test, running at about 170 watts output. I hope my dinky 6
element yagi can stand it. A receive preamp for 70 cm did not move up to the
short list in time for this weekend. 

Please excuse our bumbling during our first VHF multiop, and please DO NOT
turn your yagi toward the Midwest if you hear our call. 

There! Now that the excuses have been made ahead of time, we can just have
fun with the contest. We hope to get many of you in the log.

Chet, N8RA, FN31lu

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