[VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r in January VHF Contest

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Thu Jan 15 22:02:35 EST 2009

I will rove in the VHF COntest this weekend. Here is my itinerary.

DM74 at the gravel pits SE of Moriarity at 1900Z

DM75 at the Longhorn Ranch east of Moriarity at 2000Z

Then at 2045 to 2100 depending on activity, I will be mobile on I-40  
West bound.

DM65 at 2115Z

Then I will proceed down I-25:

DM64 at 2200Z

DM63 at 2300Z

I may make a short stop in DM63 near T or C.

DM62 at 0030Z

I will operate all of the above grids while in motion,

DM61 at 0130Z I will operate from the west side of the Transmountain  
Pass in the Franklin Mountains there, which should give me a good  
height above average terrain. If there is some activity to the east, I  
may move to the east side later.

We will spend the evening in El Paso, charging the battery. We will  
start at 1500Z moving through DM61 and DM71 to:

DM72 at 1600Z I will operate from the Alamogordo Space Museum.

DM73 at 1730Z above La Luz on Mountain Meadow Road.

At 1830Z I will head for home operating as I go. We will head north to  
Carrizozo, then west across to I-25, lunch at Socorro, north to  
Albuqueruqe, and east to Cedar Crest.

If there is construction, flat tires, low overhangs, or other delays,  
this may all change. Please forgive.

I will have the usual compliment, 80 Watts on 6M to a loop while  
underway and to a 2 element Yagi when stopped, 125 Watts on 2M to a 3  
element Yagi in motion and a 6 element Yagi while underway, 20 Watts  
to a 3 element 220 MHz Yagi in motion and 6 elements while at rest,  
and 50 Watts on 432 MHz to a Symmetrical loop while in motion and a 11  
element Yagi at rest. I will have CW for those weak ones.

Heres hoping that we have some enhanced propagation, but I realize  
that the chances are slim.

Please listen for me and the weak ones. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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