[VHFcontesting] Last Minute Skeds for N1LF (Change of Plans!)

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Fri Jan 16 19:54:41 EST 2009

I had a prior commitment (overnight film shoot) that has cancelled now due to illness with our star. 

My overnight hours are now wide open. Primary goal is to work new grids on 2 Meter WSJT, but willing to try on 6 Meters as well. If you're interested in a WSJT
sked, or tropo, I'm good for all hours of the contest now. E-mail or call my cell phone at 205-253-4867 to schedule something.

For those in nearby areas, please listen for this little pistol on 6, 2, 222, 432, and 1.2ghz. EM63nf. If you can work Jimmy Long, W4ZRZ, then listen for me in the background after you complete with him. I often try to "cherry pick" on his huge signal. Thanks and good luck to all in the contest. 


Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

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